Make it to make it


Redux Toolkitのレビュー

前回の投稿で、従来のReact, Reduxで書いていた部分をRedux Toolkit (RTK) でリファクタしたが、今回はRTKのメソッドについてまとめていく。

Redux Toolkit (RTK) のメソッド一覧



 * Options for `configureStore()`.
 * @public
export declare interface ConfigureStoreOptions<S = any, A extends Action = AnyAction, M extends Middlewares<S> = Middlewares<S>> {
     * A single reducer function that will be used as the root reducer, or an
     * object of slice reducers that will be passed to `combineReducers()`.
    reducer: Reducer<S, A> | ReducersMapObject<S, A>;
     * An array of Redux middleware to install. If not supplied, defaults to
     * the set of middleware returned by `getDefaultMiddleware()`.
    middleware?: M;
     * Whether to enable Redux DevTools integration. Defaults to `true`.
     * Additional configuration can be done by passing Redux DevTools options
    devTools?: boolean | EnhancerOptions;
     * The initial state, same as Redux's createStore.
     * You may optionally specify it to hydrate the state
     * from the server in universal apps, or to restore a previously serialized
     * user session. If you use `combineReducers()` to produce the root reducer
     * function (either directly or indirectly by passing an object as `reducer`),
     * this must be an object with the same shape as the reducer map keys.
    preloadedState?: DeepPartial<S extends any ? S : S>;
     * The store enhancers to apply. See Redux's `createStore()`.
     * All enhancers will be included before the DevTools Extension enhancer.
     * If you need to customize the order of enhancers, supply a callback
     * function that will receive the original array (ie, `[applyMiddleware]`),
     * and should return a new array (such as `[applyMiddleware, offline]`).
     * If you only need to add middleware, you can use the `middleware` parameter instaead.
    enhancers?: StoreEnhancer[] | ConfigureEnhancersCallback;

reducerが必須のオプションで、それ以外のmiddleware, devTools, preloadedState, enhancersは任意となっている。



export default configureStore({
  reducer: {
    todos: todosSlice.reducer,
    selectedTodo: selectedTodoSlice.reducer,
    counter: counterSlice.reducer,

export default configureStore({
  reducer: todosSlice.reducer





export default configureStore({
  reducer: {
    // ...
  middleware: [],

export default configureStore({
  reducer: {
    // ...
  middleware: [...getDefaultMiddleware(), logger],


export default configureStore({
  reducer: {
    // ...
  middleware: : {
    // ...
  devTools: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'




 * Options for `createSlice()`.
 * @public
export declare interface CreateSliceOptions<State = any, CR extends SliceCaseReducers<State> = SliceCaseReducers<State>> {
     * The slice's name. Used to namespace the generated action types.
    name: string;
     * The initial state to be returned by the slice reducer.
    initialState: State;
     * A mapping from action types to action-type-specific *case reducer*
     * functions. For every action type, a matching action creator will be
     * generated using `createAction()`.
    reducers: ValidateSliceCaseReducers<State, CR>;
     * A mapping from action types to action-type-specific *case reducer*
     * functions. These reducers should have existing action types used
     * as the keys, and action creators will _not_ be generated.
     * Alternatively, a callback that receives a *builder* object to define
     * case reducers via calls to `builder.addCase(actionCreatorOrType, reducer)`.
    extraReducers?: CaseReducers<NoInfer<State>, any> | ((builder: ActionReducerMapBuilder<NoInfer<State>>) => void);


A function that accepts an initial state, an object full of reducer functions, and a "slice name", and automatically generates action creators and action types that correspond to the reducers and state.

action typeはslice名の後にスラッシュ区切りで、合わせて自動で生成してくれる。




  • immerはあくまで、mutableにinputされた書き方をうまくハンドリングしてimmutableに処理してくれているだけ
  • プリミティブ型に対してはmutateできない
  • stateのmutateをするか もしくは 新しいstateを返すか のどちらかのみ
